How Do You Fix a Broken Door Frame

Repairing a broken door frame can eliminate large gaps, poor latching and restore a well-kept appearance to your home - without spending money on a new door or frame. Start by examining the damage the the door trim. If the trim is very damaged, you will need to cut and remove the loose pieces of wood with a circular saw. Next, you will need to replace the wood and re-drill the knob striker and deadbolt holes. If the molding on your door frame isn’t too damaged, use the following directions to repair your broken door frame.

If the trim is only slightly damaged, carefully place the pieces back together and use small nails to secure them to the frame and hold them in place. The goal here is to get the frame put back together as tight as possible. Next, cover the door frame with wood putty, filling in each crack and hole in the frame. When fixing a broken door frame, it’s important to make sure you pack the putty into the cracks as much as possible. Allow the putty to dry until it is fully hardened. Next, use sandpaper or an electric sander to smooth the wood putty. Do this until the putty is completely flushed with the molded surface. This step might take a while, but it’s important to make sure your door frame is completely smooth to avoid sticky doors or an uneven frame.

Painting a Repaired Door Frame

After your door frame is completely sanded and smooth, remove the dust and loose sand from the area with a rag. Once the area is clean, you are ready to paint! Use your paintbrush and interior paint to cover the repaired molding surface. Depending on the size of your repair, you may need to repaint the entire door frame in order to blend the new and old surfaces together.

Broken Door Frame Repair Parts

If these easy door repair instructions don’t work for your broken door frame, DIY Door Store is here for you. We offer affordable door parts, so you can fix a broken door frame without replacing the entire door. Don’t worry about finding a model number for your door, because our experts can help you find the right tools, parts and pieces for your broken door frame. We offer frames in a variety of sizes, so you’re guaranteed to find one that fits your door. DIY Door Store offers manufacturers including Masonite, Taylor Door, Therma-tru, Sears, Rusco and much more! If you want to know more about how to fix a broken door frame, call us today at (888) 998-3667. We want to help you fix your door frame without buying a new door.

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